
Welcome to the Bluegrass Goat Justice League. We are dedicated to legalizing the keeping of goats in Lexington, Kentucky.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Upcoming meeting

We have requested a meeting with councilman Steve Kay on Wednesday of next week. This meeting will be to discuss the proposed amendment to the city code. Ms. Leah Boggs, aide to Councilman Kay, gave us a copy of the proposal which would change the title of ordinance 4-11 from "Hogs, keeping of" to "Livestock, keeping of." The propsed change would make allowances to allow potbellied pigs, miniature goats, and miniature horses. We will be posting more information as we become aware of it.
Thank you for your support!


  1. Are there any updates on this amendment? I'd love to know. Thanks!

    Mrs. Yoder

    1. I was wondering the same thing....it appears this has gone away?

  2. This was brought before the council committee for a vote to send it to the full city council in August 2012. The committee members voted against sending it to the full council 5-4 with one member absenting himself before the vote.

    During the time the proposed amendment was being worked on, and I was working gathering signatures in support of the amendment there was another woman circulating a counter-petition based on racial bias because of my (then) married last name and fear of urban farming's effect on their million dollar mansion's property values. Due to her having more time to devote to the issue she was able to sway council members against the proposed amendment.

    I apologize for not continuing with updates but the week the vote took place my 8 year old son was in the hospital with critical health complications from a ruptured appendix. After that vote, the issue was dropped from my priorities in favor of more immediate matters.

    It would be interesting in seeing if this matter could pass now that Lexington-Fayette Urban county sees the benefits of goats- hypocritically hiring a goatherd and 17 goats to clear out Idle Hour Park. Clearing out an overgrown back yard was one of my main reasons for wanting two goats in the first place.

    See -> http://www.kentucky.com/news/local/counties/fayette-county/article211927084.html
